Well Jeezus in '07 Jeezus has also become a subject which Tony decided to interpret in his own way, but why Jeezus? why would Tony go ahead and touch such a sacred character as JC?
Here are the answers to these questions and more...
SOA - What is the definition of Jeezus Piece according to Tony Philippou?
Tony Philippou - Jeezus Piece is the ultimate Icon.....who doesn't know him. For me it's about the juxtaposition in the idealogy of his character. People may have certain religious expectations of him but will definately not see that in my work. Jeezus Piece for me is about fun and having no boundaries.
JEEZUS PIECE(JP) Badminton Champ of Hades, 16 in. x 20 in. Oil on Wood

Who are these, that you use in your Jeezus Piece series?
Basically whoever fits the theme of the piece for me....certain subjects are just gonna inspire me in different ways.
Where did you get the inspiration to create this series?
Well I had always thought that Jeezus was the first Super-Hero. What also intrigued me about the more classical paintings of him or mostreligious paintings is the symbolism. The crown of thorns, halo, andthe sacred heart were always fascinating to me and just needed to befreaked so that I could present him in the fashion I wanted to.
Playin with JP's Heart, 12in x 12in Oil on wood

The funny thing is I naturally expected to get some flack for himbeing who he is and how I depict him but realistically I've gotten nothing but love. I'm not surprised or shocked either because the Jeezus Pieces have nothing to do with religion with exception to the symbolism.
Why do you use the halo and the sacred heart through out this series?
Shoot, what's superman without a red cape and S on his chest. Sincemy Jeezus Piece doesn't revolve around a singular person....I needed the symbolism of his character to always be on point and evident.
Jeezus Piece In The Blessing of the 2, 12in x 12in Oil on Wood

I honestly think he was the first Super-Hero. Part Myth, part Legend and the most famous Man who may have walked the earth. I just don't know if he was real.
Who do you think is the reincarnation of JC, in today's world, ifanyone at all? Why?
For me in today's world it's pretty clear cut...I see the reality of life and that contradicts everything I know about religion. The only people who bare any likeness to those roles are the ones in the bible.Why? Because they're on paper and it's a book.
Jeezus Piece Representing In Buenos Aires, Oil on Wood
Where do you think the Big JC would go hang out for a good time?
Well as you know I'm from the Bronx ...just got to throw that out there, but seriously I try to let the actual pieces speak on that. I'dlike to think he would be inseparable from us on any level maybe even a bit more foul when he wanted to. I can see him anywhere a strip-club, at the bodega, a lounge, playing cricket, basically he's gonna be the man anywhere he's at and rockin whatever I think he looks fly in.
When do you think JC will come back?
He never left....he's got the most thorough rep of any person on the planet. I just try to have fun with him and keep him real. I mean really real.
Jeezus Piece Is My Pimp, 13 in. x 15 in. Oil on Wood
Labels: bronx, halo, Jesus, NYC, painter, religion, sacred heart, super hero, Tony Philippou
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